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Kimchi Ramen Recipe - 15 Minute Recipe

Kimchi Ramen Recipe - 15 Minute Recipe
  • Category

    Main Course

  • Cusine






Chili powder

Green onion




In a small saucepan, add the egg and enough water to cover by 1-inch. Bring water to a boil, then lower heat for a gentle simmer and cook for 3 minutes. While egg is cooking, trim the mushroom stems, cube the tofu, chop the green onion. In a serving bowl, empty the soup seasoning packet and the flavoring packet. When egg is done, immediately drain water and remove egg. Peel egg and slice in half. Refill saucepan with 3 cups of water. Bring to a boil, then turn heat to medium. Set timer for 4 minutes and add in the dried noodles, kimchi, mushrooms, tofu and chili powder. When done, empty the ramen soup mix package into a serving bowl. Ladle in the hot cooking water and stir with chopsticks until spices are dissolved. To the soup, add in the remaining ingredients from the pot. Top with green onion, shredded seaweed, and the egg. Add additional chili powder and additional kimchi, if desired.