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Mint Oreo Ice Cream Recipe

Mint Oreo Ice Cream Recipe
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2 cups heavy cream

1 cup whole milk

2 cups mint leaves, well packed and washed

3/4 cup sugar

3/4 teaspoon kosher salt

6 egg yolks

1 1/2 cups chopped Oreos


In a heavy saucepan, bring cream and milk to a simmer. Remove from heat and stir in mint leaves. Cover and let steep for 2 hours. Remove mint from cream with a fine mesh strainer, and press lightly on leaves with the back of a spoon to extract more mint flavor. Whisk in sugar, salt, and egg yolks until well combined. Place saucepan on medium heat and cook, stirring frequently, until a custard forms and a swiped finger on the back of a spoon leaves a clean line. Remove from heat and strain into an airtight container. Refrigerate custard overnight. The next day, churn ice cream according to manufacturer's instructions. Remove from churn into a container and quickly stir in chopped Oreos. Chill in freezer for at least 3 hours before serving.