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Cheddar Ice Cream for Apple Pie Recipe

Cheddar Ice Cream for Apple Pie Recipe
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3 large egg yolks

1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons sugar

3/4 cup heavy cream

3/4 cup whole milk

3 ounces sharp cheddar cheese, grated

Kosher salt


In a heavy-bottomed saucepan, whisk together egg yolks and sugar until well combined. Whisk in cream and milk until yolk mixture is fully incorporated. Place pot over medium-low heat and cook, whisking frequently, until a custard forms on a spoon and a finger swiped across the back leaves a clean line, or until custard temperature reaches 170 degrees F. Remove from heat and add cheddar. Let sit 1 minute, then whisk to combine. Use an immersion blender, or carefully transfer custard to a stand-alone blender, and blend until completely smooth, about 30 seconds. Add salt to taste, starting with a small pinch . Pour custard through a fine mesh strainer into an airtight container and chill in an ice bath or refrigerator until temperature drops to 40 degrees F, about 2 hours for ice bath, up to overnight for refrigerator. As base chills, it might separate slightly or form a skin. If so, wait until it's completely chilled, then blend until smooth. Churn ice cream according to manufacturer's instructions. Transfer to an airtight container and harden in freezer for at least 4 hours before serving atop apple pie in small scoops.