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Hummus Breakfast Bowls

Hummus Breakfast Bowls
  • Category

    Main Dish

  • Cusine



1 cup cooked rice

4-5 frozen broccoli florets

1 large egg, soft boiled or fried

2 Tbsp hummus

Pinch of salt and pepper

Pinch of sesame seeds

Sriracha to taste


Soft boil or fry one egg, leaving the yolk runny to provide extra "sauce" for the bowl. While the egg is cooking, add the pre-cooked rice and broccoli florets to a bowl. Microwave on high for one minute, or until the rice is hot and the florets are warmed through. Add the hummus, cooked egg, and a pinch of salt and pepper to the bowl with the rice and broccoli. Drizzle with sriracha and sprinkle sesame seeds over top. Enjoy!.