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Cheryl's Eggs Scrambled with Red Pepper, Basil and Cheese

Cheryl's Eggs Scrambled with Red Pepper, Basil and Cheese
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1 dozen eggs, beaten well

1 red pepper, diced into small pieces

1/2 small red onion, chopped small

1-2 T olive oil or butter

1 1/2 cups grated white cheese such as Mozzarella, or Monterey Jack Cheese

1-2 tsp. Spike Seasoning

2 tsp. dried basil


Chop red pepper and red onion into small pieces. Break eggs into a bowl and beat with a fork until eggs are well combined. Heat olive oil or butter in heavy frying pan Add diced red pepper and onion and saute until barely starting to soften, about 3 minutes. Add Spike Seasoningand dried basil and saute about 2 minutes more to blend flavors. Add more olive oil or butter if needed, then add beaten eggs and immediately lower heat. Cook eggs over very low heat, stirring often, until eggs are barely starting to set, about 5 minutes. Stir in about three-fourths of the grated cheese and cook a few minutes more. Eggs should still be very soft and moist looking when you remove the pan from the heat, as they will continue to cook in the pan. Sprinkle eggs with the rest of the cheese before serving, or put cheese in a bowl to sprinkle on top of each serving.