How to Cook Artichokes in the Instant Pot or Stovetop Pressure Cooker

What do you need?
How to make?
2 medium-sized artichokes
1 cup water
1-2 T fresh lemon juice
1/2 tsp. dried lemon zest or 1-2 tsp. fresh lemon zest
1 tsp. dried shallots or 2 tsp. minced fresh shallots
Trim the discolored end of the artichoke stem, then cut off the very lowest leaves and peel the stem if needed. After the stem is trimmed and peeled, cut the artichoke and the stem in half. Use a small sharp knife to make a deep cut under the fuzzy choke on each half. Grab the very inside leaves, and pull out, taking the choke with it. Try to leave as much of the leaves as you can while removing all the choke. Lately I like to use kitchen shears and cut off the sharp ends; your choice on that.
Trim artichoke stems, cut in half, remove the choke, and trim leaves if desired, as described above. Put a steamer basket in the Instant Pot with 1 cup of water. Put four artichoke halves into the Instant Pot, facing down. and then put in artichokes, inside facing down. Put the pressure cooker on the stove, lock lid, and bring to HIGH PRESSURE. Then lower heat enough to maintain high pressure and pressure cook for 6 minutes. After six minutes, use QUICK RELEASE method to release pressure, then open lid carefully. Test for doneness by pulling out one leaf; it should remove easily and be tender on the end and the stem should pierce easily with a fork. My artichokes were perfectly cooked in six minutes, but if you need to cook a little longer, just put lid on but don’t lock and cook a few minutes more. Serve artichokes hot or cold.