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Tocino Recipe

Tocino  Recipe
  • Category

    Main Dish

  • Cusine



1/3 cup brown sugar

1/3 cup white sugar

2 tablespoons Kosher salt

2 teaspoons annatto powder

1 teaspoon Anisette

1/4 teaspoon pink salt

2 lbs pork shoulder cut into 1/4-inch slices


Type of fire: Direct

Grill heat: medium-high


In a small bowl, mix together brown sugar, white sugar, salt, annatto powder, Anisette, and pink salt. Place pork slices in a medium container. Add in cure and toss to evenly coat pork. Cover and let cure in refrigerator for 3 days. Light one chimney full of charcoal. When all the charcoal is lit and covered with gray ash, pour out and spread the coals evenly over entire surface of coal grate. Set cooking grate in place, cover grill and allow to preheat for 5 minutes. Clean and oil the grilling grate. Grill pork slices over medium-high direct heat until lightly charred and cooked through, about 3 to 5 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate, let rest for 5 minutes, then serve.